Medical Terminology Daily (MTD) is a blog sponsored by Clinical Anatomy Associates, Inc. as a service to the medical community. We post anatomical, medical or surgical terms, their meaning and usage, as well as biographical notes on anatomists, surgeons, and researchers through the ages. Be warned that some of the images used depict human anatomical specimens.

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A Moment in History

Andreas Vesalius Bruxellensis (1514- 1564)

A Flemish anatomist and surgeon, Andreas Vesalius was born on December 31, 1514 in Brussels, Belgium. He is considered to be the father of the science of Anatomy. Up until his studies and publications human anatomy studies consisted only on the confirmation of the old doctrines of Galen of Pergamon (129AD - 200AD). Anatomy professors would read to the students from Galen's work and a demonstrator would point in a body to the area being described, if a body was used at all. The reasoning was that there was no need to dissect since all that was needed to know was already written in Galen's books. Vesalius, Fallopius, and others started the change by describing what they actually saw in a dissection as opposed to what was supposed to be there. 

Vesalius had a notorious career, both as an anatomist and as a surgeon. His revolutionary book "De Humani Corporis Fabrica: Libri Septem" was published in May 26, 1543. One of the most famous anatomical images is his plate 22 of the book, called sometimes "The Hamlet". You can see this image if you hover over Vesalius' only known portrait which accompanies this article. Sir William Osler said of this book "... it is the greatest book ever printed, from which modern medicine dates" 

After the original 1543 printing, the Fabrica was reprinted in 1555. It was re-reprinted and translated in many languages, although many of these printings were low-quality copies with no respect for copyright or authorship.

The story of the wood blocks with the carved images used for the original printing extends into the 20th century. In 1934 these original wood blocks were used to print 617 copies of the book "Iconaes Anatomica". This book is rare and no more can be printed because, sadly, during a 1943 WWII bombing raid over Munich all the wood blocks were burnt.

One interesting aspect of the book was the landscape panorama in some of his most famous woodcuts which was only "discovered" until 1903.

Vesalius was controversial in life and he still is in death. We know that he died on his way back from a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, but how he died, and exactly where he died is lost in controversy. We do know he was alive when he set foot on the port of Zakynthos in the island of the same name in Greece. He is said to have suddenly collapsed and die at the gates of the city, presumably as a consequence of scurvy. Records show that he was interred in the cemetery of the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, but the city and the church were destroyed by an earthquake and Vesalius' grave lost to history. Modern researchers are looking into finding the lost grave and have identified the location of the cemetery. This story has not ended yet.

For a detailed biography of Andreas Vesalius CLICK HERE.

Personal note: To commemorate Andrea Vesalius' 500th birthday in 2014, there were many scientific meetings throughout the world, one of them was the "Vesalius Continuum" anatomical meeting on the island of Zakynthos, Greece on September 4-8, 2014. This is the island where Vesalius died in 1564. I had the opportunity to attend and there are several articles in this website on the presence of Andreas Vesalius on Zakynthos island. During 2015 I also attended a symposium on "Vesalius and the Invention of the Modern Body" at the St. Louis University. At this symposium I had the honor of meeting of Drs. Garrison and Hast, authors of the "New Fabrica". Dr. Miranda

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The interesting story of “Sutures in Ancient Surgery” (1)

This article is part of the series "A Moment in History" where we honor those who have contributed to the growth of medical knowledge in the areas of anatomy, medicine, surgery, and medical research.

Folder of "Sutures in Ancient Surgery"
Folder of "Sutures in Ancient Surgery"

During a recent 2024 lecture I delivered to a group of engineers at Medtronic, I met with Jack Kennedy, an engineer, past student, and a good friend. Jack and I share a passion for medical history. He has a very interesting collection of antique sutures and books related to the topic. He gifted me a collection of antique photographic prints in a leather-like folder with gilded letters. The name of the work is “Sutures in Ancient Surgery”. Jack was kind enough to sign and dedicate this gift that now holds an important place in my library.

For those who know me, I cannot have a book without looking into its history. What I found was incredible! The findings are in the following areas and topics:

  1. The history of the Davis and Geck suture company.
    2. Lejaren à Hillier, main photographer of “Sutures in Ancient Surgery”
    3. The content of the publication, images, and controversy
    4. Missing prints

    1. The history of the Davis & Geck company

Davis & Geck (D&G) was founded in 1909 by Charles T. Davis and Fred A. Geck, along with Frank D. Bradeen, and Benjamin F. Hirsch. Interestingly, Fred Geck left the company only a few months after its formation, but the company kept his name.

Located in Brooklyn, NY., the company specialized in the development and manufacture of surgical sutures along with various other medical products. Over the years the company changed ownership and has changed its name a couple of times. In 1930, the company was acquired by American Cyanamid after a trial between Charles Davis and his wife. This particular spot in the company’s history includes a murder, prison, lovers, and a trial. If you are interested, read the story of the company at UConn’s and SNAC web pages (see “sources”).

D&G was acquired by Sherwood, and later by the Tyco Corporation where it was renamed Syneture. Tyco Healthcare became Covidien, Ltd., which was later acquired by Medtronic, where it is today.

In 1970 Davis & Geck introduced Dexon, the first synthetic absorbable suture, followed shortly by Ethicon (J&J) sutures with Vicryl. Since then, research and development in the Medtronic line of sutures makes this company one of the world leaders in wound closure.

2. Lejaren à Hillier, main photographer of “Sutures in Ancient Surgery”

Lejaren à Hillier (1880-1969), was born in Milwaukee. He studied at the School of the Chicago Art Institute; his interest was classical fine arts. His studies and activities drew him to experimenting with photography and novel techniques for the times, where he mixed photography and painting. He became a famous commercial photographer.

One of his most exciting works was that of “tableaux vivants” (living portraits), where he would stage actors and innovative lighting techniques to represent scenes that he would later edit with paintings or use different photographic development techniques to obtain the appropriate mood. His work soon caught the attention of companies that used these tableaux vivants in commercial printings for brochures or newspapers.

Hillier was approached by D&G and the project of “Sutures in Ancient Surgery” was born. Starting in 1927 and all trough 1950, D&G sales representatives would present their customers (physicians and surgeons) with the “latest” image, ensuring an open door when they showed up at the doctor’s office. The doctors were also presented with a leather-like folder to maintain their collection. The number of prints varied each year, and it is interesting to note that none were published during the long years of WWII.

According to JTH Connor, a total of eighty three portraits were published. These show medical scenes that range from prehistory, trough Egypt, Greece, Rome, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, all the way to the 19th century. The list of individuals portrayed is itself worth of research, as all of them in one way or another influenced medicine and surgery. Albucasis, Avicenna, Celsus, Fallopius, Fabricius, Galen, Harvey, Hunter, Rhazes, and Vesalius are but some of the tableaux vivants created for D&G.

Hillier was criticized for the lack of accuracy in some of the portraits as well as the person depicted, but the ideas for the topics were not his. The consultant used by D&G to suggest the topics was Samuel Harvey (1886-1953), who himself studied under the tutelage of famous neurosurgeon and medical historian Harvey Cushing (1869-1939).

Some of the images were later published in a book by Hillier (“Surgery through the ages”, 1944) showing other tableaux made for other medical publications.

Lejaren à HillierLejaren à Hillier

Title page of "Surgery through the ages" by HillierTitle page of "Surgery through the ages" by Hillier

This article continues here: The interesting story of “Sutures in Ancient Surgery (2)"